Monday, April 25, 2011

GO FIGURE: Carbless Style

I thought that it would be amusing to write my last blog before the competition while I am in the deep black hole we call CARB DEPLETION!! I am sure many of you will find the secret hidden grammatical errors (Dougie) and clever puns. I assure you that all of the content is purely a symptom of a disease I have called “carbless-itis”. It’s a common disease amongst competitors who only have a week until show time. Many have only slight side effects, me … well the symptoms hit with a bang!

This morning I had my last donkey riding session (my stationary bike). We shared an intimate moment laughing about old times when I use to wake up early just to take him for a ride while half asleep.

Today I went to work and attempted to perform my usual triple tasking duties. At several points during the day I looked out the window to see the traffic driving by and they seemed to be going 90 mph. It dawned on me that they only appeared to be going so fast because I was moving so slow.

This evening was spent doing my last lower body workout in conjunction with 20 min on the stepper donkey and 20 min on the bike. The fitness facility was as hot as a desert and I actually felt like I was riding a donkey while drinking tequila. Lets just say I was DONE by the time that workout was over. Mission body depletion = accomplished! I texted my coach to tell him that I hated him (a common occurrence) for making me do that workout when he replied that it wasn’t supposed to be a heavy lifting workout. I explained that lifting a paper clip at this point is strenuous!

My regular daily progress pictures were sent to my coach this evening. His response was “OOOO-MI-GOD. WOW. Hands down … holy f%^*&* s%%&*”. He is a man of many selective descriptive words. I had to confirm that was a good response. He said YES.

Our home is filled with blue foam fingers that are being painted and personalized for the show. The Jenny B Fit clan is getting packed and ready for the journey to Quebec. I am primping, priming and posing to prepare (too many P’s). I am also ensuring that all of the post show food products are readily available. You will find out what these are in the next instalment of GO FIGURE. I have a feeling it might be a C themed blog. Cookies, chips and cupcakes!!!

Well I am heading to bed now. Yes, it’s only 7:00 pm BUT I get carbs tomorrow! Time to get on the road and head to the show! ITS GO TIME!!

Once again many thanks to my special peeps who provide endless support, motivation, facebook status corrections, love, food creations and many laughs. My two personal assistants have been my lifesavers. Much love to all of you.

Now lets go Team Jenny B! Woot Woot!

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